
Showing posts from 2023

XAMPP: A Comprehensive Web Development Solution

  XAMPP: A Comprehensive Web Development Solution XAMPP is a powerful and user-friendly software stack designed to facilitate web development on various platforms. Comprising essential components like the Apache web server, MariaDB database, and interpreters for PHP and Perl, XAMPP offers a complete environment for creating and testing dynamic web applications. Key Features: Apache HTTP Server: XAMPP includes the widely used Apache web server, providing a robust platform for hosting and serving web content. It supports a range of features crucial for web development. MariaDB Database: The inclusion of MariaDB, a fork of MySQL, allows developers to manage databases efficiently. MariaDB is known for its performance, reliability, and ease of use. PHP and Perl Interpreters: XAMPP supports PHP and Perl scripting languages, enabling developers to create dynamic and interactive web applications. These interpreters are essential for server-side scripting. Cross-Platform Compatibility: Avai

About Game Grumps

Game Grumps The American Let's Play web series Game Grumps is presented by Dan Avidan (2013–present) and Arin Hanson (2012–present). The show,  which was founded in 2012 by co-hosts Hanson and Jon Jafari, revolves around the hosts' video game playing.  Avidan took over for Jafari when he departed the program in 2013 to concentrate on his own YouTube webseries, JonTron. In addition to the two primary hosts,  the channel has added numerous other hosts since Jafari left,  who have come and gone over time as a part of spin-off shows.  Along with a number of special guest hosts, these include Barry Kramer,  Brian Wecht, Suzy Berhow, and Ross O'Donovan. Game Grumps has more than 5.37 million members as of December 27, 2022,  and more than 6.4 billion video views overall.[1] Game Grumps was founded by Jon "JonTron" Jafari and Arin "Egoraptor" Hanson. It all started with a Kirby Super Star video that was posted on YouTube on July 18,  2012.In Jafari and Hanson c

Level Up Your Finances: Exploring the World of Gaming Earnings

In the ever-evolving landscape of the digital era, gaming has transcended its traditional role as a form of entertainment to become a lucrative avenue for earnings. Gone are the days when gaming was solely a leisure activity; today, it has emerged as a viable career option for many enthusiasts. This blog will delve into the diverse ways individuals can turn their passion for gaming into a source of income, exploring the exciting realm of gaming earnings. 1. **Professional Gaming: Turning Passion into Profession** Professional gaming, also known as esports, has gained immense popularity in recent years. Major tournaments attract millions of viewers, and skilled players can earn substantial incomes through sponsorships, prize money, and streaming revenue. Popular games like League of Legends, Dota 2, and Counter-Strike: Global Offensive have vibrant competitive scenes with significant financial rewards for top players. 2. **Content Creation: From Casual Gamer to Internet Celebrity** The

A Slave And A Lion Story

  In the heart of an ancient kingdom, there lived a young slave named Amani. He toiled under the scorching sun, working in the fields from dawn until dusk. His life was one of hardship, and every day seemed like a relentless struggle for survival. One fateful day, as Amani was working in the fields, a traveling circus passed through the kingdom. Among the wonders it showcased was a majestic lion named Seraphim. The lion was not like any other; it had a regal air about it, as if it carried the weight of centuries on its broad shoulders. Seraphim's eyes held a wisdom that seemed to transcend its wild nature. As fate would have it, the circus owner noticed Amani's strength and agility. Seeking an additional attraction to captivate the audience, he made a deal with Amani's owner and took the young slave along with him. Amani's life took an unexpected turn, from the laborious fields to the colorful and bustling world of the circus. At first, Amani was filled with awe and won

SysTools Exchange Recovery 2023 Free Download

  SysTools Exchange Recovery 2023 Free Download SysTools Exchange Recovery 2023 Free Download. It is full offline installer standalone setup of SysTools Exchange Recovery 2023. SysTools Exchange Recovery 2023 Overview SysTools Exchange Recovery 2023 is a reliable and effective data recovery application which allows you to repair and recover Microsoft Exchange Server emails with ease. It is a powerful application which can instantly open Exchange server database files and easily extract information regarding received messages, contacts, calendar marks, notes, tasks and journal entries. The latest version uses robust and advanced algorithms that are capable of repairing both private and public folders and their associated files. It can even recover data from corrupted EDB files. It supports Exchange Server 2016 / 2013 / 2010 / 2007 / 2003 and many more. You can also download SysTools PST Compress 2023 Free Download. SysTools Exchange Recovery 2023 is an intelligent application which can

23AndMe Hacker Leaks New Tranche of Stolen Data

  Two weeks after the first data leak from the DNA ancestry service, the threat actor produces an additional 4 million user records they purportedly stole. A threat actor who claimed responsibility for the compromise of the 23AndMe site earlier this month has released a new dataset, including the records of more than 4 million people's genetic ancestry. The cybercriminal, known by the handle Golem, alleges in a cybercrime Dark Web forum the stolen data includes information on, "the wealthiest people living in the US and Western Europe," according to reports. 23andMe spokesperson Andy Kill said in a statement the organization is still trying to confirm whether the most recently leaked data is genuine. Prior to this most recent leak, an Oct. 1 post on a Dark Web forum by Golem claimed they have a total of 20 million individual pieces of 23andMe data and leaked 1 million lines of data as a teaser, along with an offer to bulk sell data profiles. 23andMe confirmed in early Oct

More Okta Customers Hacked

  Attackers compromised customer support files containing cookies and session tokens, which could result in malicious impersonation of valid Okta users. Okta, an identity and access management services provider, disclosed that its customer support case management system was recently compromised, exposing sensitive customer data including cookies and session tokens. Attackers could potentially use the information to impersonate valid users contacting support. The customer support case management system is separate from the Okta service itself and the incident only impacted customers with recent support cases, the company's  Chief Security Officer David Bradbury  stressed in a blog post  on Oct. 20.  Impacted customers have been notified, he said. " Okta has worked with impacted customers to investigate, and has taken measures to protect our customers, including the revocation of embedded session tokens," Bradbury added. In its blog post, Okta listed IP addresses and user-a

Internet-Wide Zero-Day Bug Fuels Largest-Ever DDoS Event

  An Internet-wide security vulnerability is at the root of a zero-day attack dubbed "HTTP/2 Rapid Reset," which resulted in a distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) flood that was orders of magnitude larger than any previous attack ever recorded. It marks a new chapter in the evolution of DDoS threats, researchers noted. Amazon Web Services, Cloudflare, and Google Cloud each independently observed the attack in question, which featured multiple waves of traffic that lasted for just minutes each. They targeted cloud and Internet infrastructure providers, and the attack took place over Aug. 28–29. Unknown perpetrators are behind the event, but it's clear that they exploited a bug in the  HTTP/2 protocol , which is used in about 60% of all Web applications. AWS, Cloudflare, and Google worked with other cloud, DDoS security, and infrastructure vendors in a coordinated effort to minimize any real-world impact of the Rapid Reset attacks, mainly with load balancing and other edge

We Finally Have Proof That the Internet Is Worse

  High-profile lawsuits against Google and Amazon have revealed Silicon Valley’s vise grip on our lives. By  Charlie Warzel Living online means never quite understanding what’s happening to you at a given moment. Why  these  search results? Why  this  product recommendation? There is a feeling—often warranted, sometimes conspiracy-minded—that we are constantly manipulated by platforms and websites. So-called dark patterns, deceptive bits of web design that can trick people into certain choices online, make it harder to unsubscribe from a scammy or unwanted newsletter; they nudge us into purchases. Algorithms optimized for engagement shape what we see on social media and can goad us into participation by showing us things that are likely to provoke strong emotional responses. But although we know that all of this is happening in aggregate, it’s hard to know  specifically  how large technology companies exert their influence over our lives. This week,  Wired  published a story by the for